News|Current Topics

Photo Credit: Linda Wright, 2023 Whatcom Watersheds Information Network Photo Contest Entry

North Sound Marine Vegetation Brown Bag Virtual Event
Wednesday April 2, 11:30am-1:00pm

The Island, San Juan, Snohomish/Stillaguamish, and Whatcom Local Integrating Organizations (LIOs) are inviting you to a virtual event focused on the Marine Vegetation Implementation Strategy, the newest strategy being developed by the Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead’s (HSIL). This strategy will build off a foundation established through two regional plans, the Puget Sound Eelgrass Recovery Strategy and the Puget Sound Kelp Conservation and Restoration Plan. The brown bag event will include an overview of the current marine vegetation implementation strategy, Q&A with the HSIL, and group discussion and brainstorming on local implementation ideas and issues.   Register Here

2026-2030 Puget Sound Action Agenda Workshops
Registration and Schedule (February-March)

The Puget Sound Partnership (PSP) has initiated the process for the 2026-2030 Action Agenda.  As part of the 2026-2030 Action Agenda, the PSP and recovery partners are hosting workshops to refine the 2022-2026 Action Agenda content.  Registration Schedule Here

WRIA 1 Watershed Management Board Work Plan Development 
Closed February 12, 2024

The WRIA 1 Watershed Management Board is developing their 2024-2028 work plan that will continue implementing some strategies and actions in the 2018-2023 work plan, setting aside others, and incorporating new ones including an Adaptive Management element. We are interest in receiving your thoughts and priorities for the next five years as the 2024-2028 work plan is being developed.  Please complete the questionnaire by end of the day February 12, 2024.